Project Deliverables

The following table is a list of Project Deliverables.








HYBRIDGE Final Project Report by H.A.P. Blom and J. Lygeros (Editors)

April 2005




Safety relevant operational cases in air traffic management by O.J. Watkins and J. Lygeros

November 2002




A Stochastic Hybrid System Modeling Framework by
M.L. Bujorianu, J. Lygeros, W. Glover and G. Pola

May 2003




Stochastic analysis background of accident risk assessment for Air Traffic Management by Henk Blom, Bert Bakker, Mariken Everdij, Marco van der Park

July 2003




Generalised stochastic hybrid processes as strong solutions of stochastic differential equations by J. Krystul and H.A.P. Blom

May 2005




Modelling hybrid state Markov processes through Stochastically and Dynamically Coloured Petri Nets by M.H.C. Everdij and H.A.P. Blom

May 2005




Reachability Analysis for Probabilistic Hybrid Systems with Application to Air Traffic Management by M. Prandini and M.C. Campi

November 2004




Probabilistic aircraft conflict detection by M. Prandini and O J. Watkins

May 2005




CPDP: A compositional framework for stochastic hybrid systems of the PDP type by S.N. Strubbe and A.J. van der Schaft

February 2004




Semantics, bisimulation and interaction-structures for the CPDP model by S.N. Strubbe and A.J. van der Schaft

December 2004




On Control of Complex Stochastic Hybrid Systems by Stefan Strubbe, Jan Willem Polderman, Agung Julius and Arjan van der Schaft

April 2005




Model predictive control formulation of conflict
resolution task
by A. Lecchini, W. Glover, J. Lygeros, J. Maciejowski

July 2004 Final



Monte Carlo conflict resolution algorithm with simulation examples by A. Lecchini, W. Glover, J. Lygeros, J. Maciejowski

April 2005




Inventory of Decentralized Conflict Detection and Resolution Systems in Air Traffic by Dimos V. Dimarogonas and Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos

June 2003




Global Decentralized Conflict Resolution by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos

March 2005




Hybrid Observer Design Methodology by E. De Santis, M.D. Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, G. Pola

August 2003




Situation awareness error detection by M.D. Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, A. D'Innocenzo
August 2004 Final



Error Detection within a Specific Time Horizon by Maria D. Di Benedetto, Stefano Di Gennaro, Alessandro D’Innocenzo

March 2005




Critical observability for a class of stochastic hybrid systems and application to Air Traffic Management by M.D.Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, A. D’Innocenzo

May 2005




Risk Decomposition and Assessment methods by Jaroslav Krystul, Arun Bagchi, Henk Blom

June 2003




Monte Carlo simulation of rare events in hybrid systems by J. Krystul and H.A.P. Blom

July 2004




Bias and uncertainty modelling in accident risk assessment by M.H.C. Everdij and H.A.P. Blom

May 2005




Sequential Monte Carlo simulation of collision risk in free flight air traffic by H.A.P. Blom, G.J. Bakker, J. Krystul, M.H.C. Everdij, B. Klein Obbink and M.B. Klompstra

August 2005


[D10.3] 10

Introduction course on Monte-Carlo Simulation for Collision Risk and Safety Assessment

Advance Course on Safety Risk Assessment Based Stochastic Analysis with special emphasis on Air Traffic Management

April 2005 Final

Papers published

The following table is a list of papers accepted by Conferences or Journals.








Aircraft and weather models for probabilistic collision avoidance in Air Traffic Control, by J. Lygeros and M. Prandini

August 2002

Preprint for CDC 2002

[R1.3] 1 Diagnosability of hybrid systems, by G.K. Fourlas, K.J. Kyriakopoulos and N.J. Krikelis March 2002 Preprint for MED 2002



Interval predictors for unknown dynamical systems: an assessment of reliability, by G. Calafiore and M.C. Campi

August 2002

Preprint for CDC 2002



Switching control of stochastic linear systems: stability and performance results, by Maria Prandini (Invited session "Hybrid control and applications")

March 2002

Preprint for SIMAI 2002



Stochastic hybrid models: An overview by G. Pola, M.L. Bujorianu, J. Lygeros and M.D. Di Benedetto

April 2003

Preprint for ADHS 2003

[R1.10] 1 A stochastic hybrid model for air traffic control simulation by W. Glover, J. Lygeros
September 2003 Preprint for HSCC 2004
[R1.12] 1 Piecewise affine systems identification: a learning theoretical approach by M. Prandini
July 2004 Preprint for CDC 2004
[R1.13] 1 Non-asymptotic quality assessment of generalised FIR models with periodic inputs by M.C. Campi, Su Ki Ooi and E. Weyer December 2004 Automatica, Vol. 40, Issue 12, Pages 2029-2041



Conflict probability and incrossing probability in Air Traffic Management by H.A.P. Blom and G.J. Bakker

August 2002

Preprint for CDC 2002

[R2.3] 2 Stochastic hybrid processes with hybrid jumps by H.A.P. Blom April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003
[R2.7] 2 Modeling stochastic hybrid systems by M.K. Ghosh, A. Bagchi January 2004 Preprint for IFIP TC-7 book version
[R2.8] 2 Petri-nets and hybrid-state Markov processes in a power-hierarchy of dependability models by M.H.C. Everdij and H.A.P. Blom April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003
[R2.9] 2 Collision risk modeling of air traffic by H.A.P. Blom, G.J. Bakker, M.H.C. Everdij and M.N.J. van der Park
July 2003 Preprint for ECC 2003
[R2.14] 2 Theoretical foundations of stochastic hybrid systems by M.L. Bujorianu and J. Lygeros May 2004
Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R2.15] 2 Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes represented by Dynamically Coloured Petri Nets by M.H.C. Everdij and H.A.P. Blom February 2005
Stochastics, Vol. 77, 2005, Issue 1, Pages 1-29
[R3.6] 3 On Reachability and Minimum Cost Optimal Control by J. Lygeros June 2004 Automatica, Vol. 40, 2004, Issue 6, Pages 917-927
[R3.8] 3 Minimum Cost Optimal Control: An Application to Flight Level Tracking by J.Lygeros
April 2003 Preprint for MED 2003
[R3.9] 3 Stochastic Reachability for Discrete Time Systems: An Application to Aircraft Collision Avoidance by O.J. Watkins and J.Lygeros
September 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R3.13] 3 Invariant measure of stochastic hybrid processes by C. Yuan and J. Lygeros
September 2004 Preprint for CDC 2004



Achievable behavior by composition, by A.J. van der Schaft, A.A. Julius

August 2002

Preprint for CDC 2002

[R4.2] 4 Communicating piecewise deterministic Markov processes by S.N. Strubbe, A.A. Julius and A.J. van der Schaft
April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003
[R4.4] 4 Stability analysis for hybrid automata using conservative gains by R. Langerak, J.W. Polderman and T. Krilavicius
April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003
[R4.5] 4 Control of hybrid behavioral automata by interconnection by A.A. Julius, S.N. Strubbe and A.J. van der Schaft
April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003
[R4.8] 4 Bisimulation of dynamical systems by A.J. van der Schaft October 2003 Preprint for HSCC 2004
[R4.11] 4 Equivalence of hybrid dynamical systems by A. Van der Schaft
April 2004 Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R4.12] 4 Balancing dwell times for switching linear systems by G. Pola, J.W. Polderman, M.D. Di Benedetto
May 2004 Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R4.13] 4 Equivalence of dynamical systems by A.J. van der Schaft
December 2004 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49 Issue: 12, Pages 2160-2172
[R4.14] 4 Bisimulation for General Stochastic Hybrid Systems by M.L. Bujorianu, J. Lygeros and M. Bujorianu
January 2005 Preprint for HSCC 2005
[R4.15] 4 Bisimulation for Communicating Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
by S.N. Strubbe, A.J. van der Schaft
January 2005 Preprint for HSCC 2005
[R4.16] 4 Stochastic equivalence of CPDP-automata and Piecewise Deterministic Markov processes by S.N. Strubbe, A.J. van der Schaft
October 2004 Preprint for IFAC World 2005
[R5.1] 5 Cautious hierarchical switching control of stochastic linear systems by M.C. Campi, J.P. Hespanha, M. Prandini May 2004 Int.Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 18, Issue 4, Pages: 319-333
[R5.3] 5 General Stochastic Hybrid Systems: Modelling and Optimal Control by M.L. Bujorianu and J. Lygeros September 2004
Preprint for CDC 2004
[R5.4] 5 Uncertain convex programs: randomized solutions and confidence levels by G. Calafiore and M.C. Campi
January 2005 Mathematical Programming, Series. A, Vol. 102: Pages 25–46
[R5.5] 5 Air Traffic Control with an expected value criterion by A. Lecchini, W. Glover, J. Lygeros and J. Maciejowski
March 2005 Preprint for IFAC World 2005
[R5.6] 5 Air Traffic Control in approach sectors: Simulation examples and optimization
by A. Lecchini, W. Glover, J. Lygeros and J. Maciejowski
January 2005 Preprint for HSCC 2005
[R6.1] 6 Closed Loop Navigation for Multiple Non - Holonomic Vehicles by S.G. Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos May 2003 Preprint for ICRA 2003
[R6.2] 6 Decentralized Motion Control of Multiple Holonomic Agents under Input Constraints by D.V. Dimarogonas, M.M. Zavlanos, S.G. Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos September 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R6.3] 6 Decentralized Motion Control of Multiple Mobile Agents by M.M. Zavlanos and K.J. Kyriakopoulos February 2003 Preprint for MED 2003
[R6.4] 6 Closed Loop Navigation for Mobile Agents in Dynamic Environments by S.G. Loizou, H.G. Tanner, V.Kumar, K.J. Kyriakopoulos September 2003 Preprint for IROS 2003
[R6.6] 6 Lyapunov-like Stability of Switched Stochastic Systems by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos
March 2004 Preprint for ACC 2004
[R6.7] 6 Decentralized Feedback Stabilization of Multiple Nonholonomic Agents by S.G. Loizou, D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos
March 2004

Preprint for ICRA 2004

[R6.8] 6 Decentralized Stabilization and Collision Avoidance of Multiple Air Vehicles with Limited Sensing Capabilities by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos
March 2005 Preprint for ACC 2005
[R6.9] 6 Automatic Synthesis of Multi-Agent Motion Tasks Based on LTL Specifications by S. Loizou and K.J. Kyriakopoulos
August 2004 Preprint for CDC 2004
[R6.10] 6 Decentralized Motion Control of Multiple Agents with Double Integrator Dynamics by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos January 2005 Preprint for IFAC World 2005
[R6.12] 6 A Feedback Stabilization and Collision Avoidance Scheme for Multiple Independent Nonholonomic Non-point Agents by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos March 2005 Preprint for MED 2005
[R6.13] 6 Interesting Conjugate points in formation constrained optimal multi-agent coordination by J. Hu, M. Prandini, and C. Tomlin March 2005 Preprint for ACC 2005
[R7.1] 7

Integrated Control-Implementation Design by A.Balluchi, L.Berardi, M.D.Di Benedetto, A.Ferrari, G.Girasole, A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentellli

November 2002

Preprint for CDC 2002

[R7.7] 7 Notes on the Nested Observers for Hybrid Systems by S. Di Gennaro
September 2003 Preprint for ECC 2003
[R7.8] 7 On Observability and Detectability of Continuous-time Linear Switching Systems by E. De Santis, M. D. Di Benedetto, G. Pola December 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R7.9] 7 Observability for Hybrid Systems by A.Balluchi, L.Benvenuti, M.D.Di Benedetto, A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentellli
December 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R7.10] 7 An Observer for Switching Nonlinear Systems with Mode Dependent Time Delays by P. Pepe September 2003 Preprint for WSEAS 2003
[R7.12] 7 Polynomial filtering for Stochastic Systems with
Markovian Switching Coefficients
by A. Germani, C. Manes, P, Palumbo
December 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R7.13] 7 A State Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Discrete and Distributed Time Delays by A. Germani and P. Pepe May 2004
Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R7.14] 7 Bisimulation theory for switching linear systems by G. Pola, A.J. van der Schaft, M.D.Di Benedetto
August 2004 Preprint for CDC 2004
[R7.15] 7 Structural discrete state space decompositions
for a class of hybrid systems
by E. De Santis, M. D. Di Benedetto, G. Pola
February 2004 Preprint for MED04
[R7.18] 7 Can linear stabalizability analysis be generalized to switching systems by E. De Santis, M.D. Di Benedetto, G. Pola
July 2004 Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R7.19] 7 Critical Observability and Hybrid Observers for Error Detection in Air Traffic Management by M.D. Di Benedetto, S. Di Gennaro, A.D'Innocenzo March 2005 Preprint for MED 2005
[R8.2] 8 Joint IMMPDA Particle filter by H.A.P. Blom and E.A. Bloem May 2003 Preprint for Fusion 2003
[R8.3] 8 Tracking Multiple Maneuvering Targets by Joint Combinations of IMM and PDA by H.A.P. Blom and E.A. Bloem
September 2003 Preprint for CDC 2003
[R8.4] 8 Sequential Monte Carlo simulation of rare event probability in stochastic hybrid systems by Jaroslav Krystul and Henk A.P. Blom
March 2005
Preprint for IFAC World 2005
[R9.1] 9 Approximation of first passage times of switching
by J. Krystul and A. Bagchi
May 2004 Preprint for MTNS 2004
[R9.2] 9 Particle filtering for stochastic hybrid systems by H.A.P. Blom and E.A. Bloem March 2004 Preprint for CDC 2004

 Complementary papers and reports






[D1.3] 1

A Multi-Aircraft Model for Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithm Evaluation by W. Glover and J. Lygeros

February 2004


[D1.4] 1 Simplified Multi-Aircraft Models for Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithms by W. Glover, J. Lygeros September 2003



Mathematical modelling of bias and uncertainty in accident risk assessment by H. Nurdin

June 2002

Master Thesis

[C2.2] 2 Extended Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Their Reachability Problem by M.L. Bujorianu
2004 Preprint for HSCC 2004
[C2.3] 2 General Stochastic Hybrid Systems by M.L. Bujorianu and J. Lygeros 2004 Preprint for MED 2004
[D5.1] 5 Hierarchical Decomposition of Conflict Resolution Tasks by A. Lecchini, J. Lygeros and D. Dimarogonas May 2004 Final
[D5.3] 5 Randomised algorithms and implementation by A. Lecchini, X. Papageorgiou, J. Lygeros, J. Maciejowski, K. Kyriakopoulos April 2005 Final
[D6.2i] 6 Intermediate Report on Decentralized Conflict Resolution Algorithms by D.V. Dimarogonas and K.J. Kyriakopoulos October 2004
[C7.1] 7 A new experiment in research on hybrid systems: The center of excellence DEWS by M.D. Di Benedetto, J. Lygeros and the DEWS Team April 2003 Preprint for ADHS 2003



Genetic genealogical models in rare event analysis Report by F. Cérou, P. del Moral, F. Le Gland and P. Lezaud

December 2002


[D8.2] 8 Accident Risk Assessment and Monte Carlo Simulation Methods by P. Lezaud, J. Krystul, H.A.P. Blom June 2004 Final
[D9.1] 9

Description of advanced operation: Free Flight by B. Klein Obbink

March 2005


[D9.2] 9

Compositional specification of a multi-agent system by Dynamically Coloured Petri Nets by M.H.C. Everdij, M.B. Klompstra, H.A.P. Blom,
B. Klein Obbink

November 2004
